This'll take 5 minutes...

So this'll take 5 minutes... OK, so maybe 10...

Two things that work so well in coaching, and life, are accountability and goals. I request that my clients set them yearly and quarterly.

I never believed in goals. Then a set a few. Then I watched my clients FLY by on their magic goals worksheets. Then I watched mine come true.

Here's the thing about goals: if you don't set them, someone else will (for you), and they've got little interest in seeing you succeed. Here's my challenge to you: do this goals worksheet.

Just try it. Don't overthink it. Don't schedule it. JUST DO IT and let me know how it goes for you. As a 2020 gift, I’ll gift you one FREE coaching session if you send me your worksheet and I see that you really put some time in. No strings, no pressure, just some Thanks Giving.

Schedule with me here and let's get you started on a free no-pressure coaching session.

If you're waiting for a sign... this is it. ;)


Coach Kenji

Coaching isn't a "job"... it's my passion. I assist successful professionals in re-focusing to create more productivity, stability, and accountability. Want to stop managing your life and start rocking it? Get in touch.


“Chop Wood. Carry Water.” The awakening in a pandemic.


If you’re going through hell …