“… there is a mysterious sense of calling in all of this that cannot be explained, but just is, and we're going to trust that the Divine is up to something with each and every one of us.”
- Alexandra Subramanian
What are my roles?
As a spiritual teacher/leader I have acted as a:
Community Dharma Leader in a disabled Buddhist Sangha: drawing from my experience as a practitioner, meditator, and student I teach quarterly at East Bay Meditation Center.
An officiant at memorials, weddings, and community events.
Spiritual Guide, for clients with varying spiritual beliefs.
What is a Spiritual Guide (aka Spiritual Director)?
Spiritual Seeking, to me, is discovering the inspiration, in the dance with Spirit, which moves you in your spiritual direction. Terminology isn’t important, what you call it is.
If you’re uncomfortable with the word “spiritual” then toss that out. “Divinity” is a common term, and if that rubs you the wrong way, then lose that one too! God, Goddess, Eternal Spirit … there are many names for the divine … the one you use is what’s important.
Spiritual Directors International (SDI), says that “… spiritual companionship is a relationship, in which a companion allows through deep listening the spiritual story of the other to unfurl. Through this relationship, the person seeking companionship is empowered to explore a deeper relationship with God, Allah, Tao, The Universe, or however you may refer to the Ground of All Being.”
I adore my Spiritual Guide as we meet monthly and work on what’s arising for me with my experience of god/goddess. No one is an island and everyone from time to time needs a companion, or a guide, to share the walk of life. I am a trained as a deep listener and I support you as you pay attention to your inner life, discern the presence of your experience of divinity, and encourage you as find your spiritual direction.
A spiritual director is a person who has experience in the spiritual journey and is willing to be in service to a person’s desire to open to and discern the presence of Divinity (God/Spirit/Source) in their life. Spiritual direction is also known as “soul friendship.” In my role as the “director” I do little "directing,” but, rather, help you direct your relationship and attention towards where you find The Divine. The spiritual direction relationship is often compared to the relationship a midwife has with a pregnant mother giving birth. The director is a companion, an encourager, and a gentle listening guide, working with you and bearing witness to what is being “born” in this season of your life.
What do Spiritual Direction Sessions Cost?
Like many Spiritual Directors I offer a no-fee session to gently get to know one another and “sit together” in guidance – please do schedule a time if you feel called and we can discover if we’re to journey together. I offer sliding scale for Spiritual Direction sessions from $175-$375 per session. The call length of the call is approximately 50-60 minutes and we meet, usually, once per month.
Spirituality & The Divine & Me
Having spent a great deal of my life pursuing an understanding of The Divine I’ve traveled through 4 congregations in 25 years, a number of 12-step rooms, and the meditation cushion for over 3 decades.
Pema Chodron, Charlotte Joko Beck, and David Levine are just a few of the authors I’ve devoured. Beginning in my 20’s (I’m now 3x that age) I found meditation and reading to give some sense to this soul about my curiosity of what lay outside of the ‘naked eye’ (more like the deluded mind!).
That led me to the spirituality in 12-step recovery, and through that an LGBTQIA church (Metropolitan Community Church) where I was an active member and lay leader for 5 years, to the First Unitarian Church of Oakland (for another 5 years, including being on the BOD), to the East Bay Meditation Center, where I studied in 2 separate year-long programs, became a Community Dharma Teacher, served on their disabled access committee, and attended the Chaplaincy Institute (CHI) for training. Now I attend the First Congregational Church of Berkeley.
For the past 4 years I’ve been studying with a somatic-intuitive mentor-coach who's helped me lean into the gentle “hood” (neighborhood) of my intuition … something that comes in very handy as a coach, a teacher, mentor, and a spiritual guide.
My hope is that you find your way to whomever or whatever guides you towards ease. I hope I get to walk with you.
– Kenji.