Mortality? No, really.

Mortality is up there, in terms of conversation stoppers, with incontinence. I suspect that the intricacies of a spastic colon would be more readily welcomed during Water Cooler Chat over Mortality.

I’m certainly reluctant to talk about mortality because it’s the Big Bad Wolf in popular culture.

But, avoiding it is strange, don’t you think?

It’s one Theme Park Ride we’re all going to experience… eventually.

On my path of teaching and coaching the writings I have read about embracing a life of joy have been quite vocal about the practice of embracing thoughts of mortality (not morbid, but just awareness).

But it’s not mortality I end up embracing, it’s life.

Try it.

Suggestion: try the practice of “What if this were my last day?” If you can keep that thought, right in the forefront of your mind for one day, I guarantee you it will change you life.

It changed mine. My one strange and wonderful life.

Coach Kenji

Coaching isn't a "job"... it's my passion. I assist successful professionals in re-focusing to create more productivity, stability, and accountability. Want to stop managing your life and start rocking it? Get in touch.


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