Radical Rest?

Tired? Overwhelmed?

Sometimes, in this culture, the complaint: "I'm exhausted" seems to be a badge of honor. It almost feels like bragging (and I'm not discounting real exhaustion stemming from the need to survive and/or just live through the exhaustion of the upheaval we're living through) ... and then there's the unnecessary "tired." 

David Sedaris likes to joke: “People love to complain about being exhausted … then they fall apart when you say ‘Ya, you look tired.’” Ok, so maybe not so skillful … and doesn’t it seem like our 21st Century right to be exhausted?

Looking for resources for a recent Zoom presentation I came across this article about rest – it won’t just tell you to chill, in fact it will challenge you to take a deeper look at the "7 forms of tiredness."

For myself I notice: walking too fast, beating myself up (vs. being really productive) about ‘what I got done today,’ and just generally seeing what cup is half-empty …

So, how are we treating ourselves? Are we getting enough sleep? Asking for support? What will bring more joy into this day?

May you find ease.


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